Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Flame controlled break up options discussed

Following a weekend of lashing swells on the hull of the stricken cargo vessel New Flame, off Europa Point and assessment is said to have recorded that the vessel is now down to 25% of its integrity, from a 60% reported last week, placing it in further danger of a total break up. As the risks of a natural break up continues, maritime experts and salvage team have been in discussions over the next stage of the operation. Although few official details have as yet been released, gibfocus understands that the main areas of discussions have been on methods to break up the vessel. Amongst two ideas proposed being the welding of the vessel for a complete break up, or a controlled explosion.

As experts continue to assess the situation extraction of fuel operations have resumed, to reduce the load of fuel onboard the vessel. Reports of possible use of controlled explosions to break up the vessel have been welcomed by some experts who have questioned why such an option was not taken before. Whilst no decision has been taken, the same experts have indicated to gibfocus that the greatest risk now exists if the vessel were to break up by itself. Opening the possibility for a break up at areas which would not safeguard the current vessels load. WIth the pressure and strains increased during the weekend due to the high swells increasing the damage to the vessel, discussions this afternoon have centred on the next stage of the operation.

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